Rumney Marsh Academy Home

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Watch Our Juneteenth Celebration on RevereTV

RPS is commemorating Juneteenth with this film that follows Revere High School students on a recent trip to the Rumney Marsh Burial Ground with their teachers, Mr. DiMarino and Ms. Maniscalco. Jeff Pearlman, an adjunct professor at Salem State University and retired educator from Revere Public Schools, led the Burial Ground tour and roundtable discussion back at the High School.

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Principal's Message

Welcome to our school!
I am so pleased to welcome our new students as well as our returning students back to school! We take pride in our vibrant school community and want all families to feel a part of the RMA family. This year, we welcome the return of after school clubs and middle school sports. As a school, we focus on providing deeper learning experiences for our students, and ensuring that all students have equitable access to the curriculum and resources.
The City of Revere is a place I am always proud to call my home town. It was here in the Revere Public Schools that I developed a love of learning, in great part due to the caring teachers that fostered my interest. Our goal here at the RMA is to continue to provide an atmosphere where students feel welcome, challenged, and proud. As we work together, your children and our staff focus on our school motto of Respect, Motivation, and Achievement in all we do.
Thank you for visiting our website. Please also follow us on Twitter @RumneyHawks for day to day updates. We are glad you are here!
Mrs. Heather Bobb